AJAX LeaksProtect

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Wireless flood detector detects first signs of leakage within milliseconds. It is installed without using tools.

Raises the alarm as soon as water gets on one of the four pairs of contacts
Registers when the area dries out and cancels the alarm

The detector mounts by placing on the floor in areas of possible water inflow

Principle of operation ⚙️
The device detects first signs of flooding as soon as water gets on one of the four pairs of contacts on the bottom of the detector. LeaksProtect can be placed even in hard-to-reach places. It doesn't require installation, goes years without maintenance, and works 24/7. If your washing machine leaks or a pipe breaks, the detector will react immediately and report an accident. And if the facility has an anti-flooding system, Ajax will automatically shut off water supply.

Features 🚀Installation and set up 👨‍🔧